Low-emission zone of Dijon

The French city of Dijon in eastern France implemented a low-emission zone on 1 January 2025. Remarkable about this zone is that there are no restrictions on motorized transport. Both vehicles with and without emissions stickers are allowed to drive within the low-emission zone of Dijon. If you are looking for other cities with low-emission zones, check out our overview map. If you want to know what color of sticker your car gets, please visit our home page.

Map of the low-emission zone in Dijon

map: low-emission zone of Dijon

The low-emission zone of Dijon is marked orange on the map above. The border is formed by the Dijon rocade (M274), the M122A, avenue Roland Carraz (M974), boulevard des Bourroches, boulevard des Gorgets and avenue du 1er Consul. These roads themselves are not yet part of the low-emission zone.

The low-emission zone of Dijon

As already indicated, there are no restrictions in Dijon and anyone can drive within the low-emission zone or zone à faibles émissions (ZFE) of the Dijon Metropole. The zone was introduced because it was required by the French government. Because air quality in Dijon has been excellent since 2019, no fines follow for those who enter the low-emission zone without an emissions sticker.

The plan is to review each year whether it is necessary to ban polluting vehicles. If so, we will update this page with more information.

Parking outside the low-emission zone

We have not worked this out for now, because it is possible to drive within the low-emission zone of Dijon without an emissions sticker. You can park anywhere without risking a fine.

Which emissions sticker in Dijon?

Vehicles both with and without emissions stickers are allowed to drive within Dijon’s low-emission zone. If your car qualifies for an emissions sticker, it is of course always wise to have one fixed to your windshield. On your way to Dijon, you may have to deal with low-emission zones in other cities.

Other low-emission zones nearby

The low-emission zone of Dijon is somewhat remote. Driving south, there is a low-emission zone in Lyon. To the southwest, the emissions sticker is also required in Annemasse and in Annecy. Over 200 kilometers north of Dijon, the emissions sticker is required in Nancy.

What to see and do in Dijon?


With 160,000 residents and more than twice as many in the urban area, Dijon is a large city in eastern France. In the Middle Ages, it was the capital of the wealthy Duchy of Burgundy. The former palace of the dukes, eight old churches and numerous medieval houses are among the most important tourist attractions. The city is also known for its wines and mustard from the area.

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