Low-emission zone of Nantes

Nantes on the Loire River in western France, has mandated an emissions sticker as of 1 January 2025. Without this emissions sticker, you are no longer allowed to enter the city with your car. On this page you will find a map of the low-emission zone and more practical information. Want to know more about the emissions sticker itself? Then check out the home page of this website. Also useful is this overview map of all French low-emission zones.

Map of the low-emission zone in Nantes

map: low-emission zone of Nantes

The low-emission zone of Nantes falls within the city’s périphérique. This is the ring road of the city. It consists of the N844 and north of the city the A844. On the map you can see the low-emission zone marked with orange. Good to know is that the ring road itself is not part of the low-emission zone. You can also pass through Nantes without an emissions sticker via the A11 and the A83.

There are a number of roads within the low-emission zone where an emissions sticker is not required. These are always roads leading to park-and-ride sites. On the map, these roads are indicated by blue lines.

The low-emission zone of Nantes

The low-emission zone of Nantes is one of the most accessible in France. This is because the rules are only in effect during rush hours: Monday through Friday between between 7 and 9 hours in the morning and between 16 and 19 hours in the afternoon. Outside these times, you may enter the low-emission zone without an emissions sticker. The rules also do not apply during weekends and holidays.

It is possible to request an exemption from one of the municipalities of the Nantes Métropole. You may then still enter the low-emission zone, or zone à faibles émissions (ZFE), without the emissions sticker. This regulation is mainly aimed at local residents and is rarely granted to foreign visitors.

Parking outside the low-emission zone

Nantes has a large number of parkings relais or park-and-ride-sites. They are located on the edge or just inside the low-emission zone. You are allowed to access these without an emissions sticker using the blue lines indicated on the map at the top of this page. By public transport, usually a streetcar line, you then continue your way to the city center.

  1. P+R Le Cardo: rue du Wattman, 197 parking spaces, near streetcar stop Le Cardo on line 2.
  2. P+R René Cassin: boulevard René Cassin, 65 parking spaces, near René Cassin streetcar stop on line 2.
  3. P+R Recteur Schmitt: rue Recteur Schmitt, 140 parking spaces, near streetcar stop Recteur Schmitt on line 2.
  4. P+R Ranzay: rue du Ranzay, 247 parking spaces, at tram stop Ranzay on line 1.
  5. P+R Haluchère: rue du Ranzay, 280 parking spaces, at Haluchère-Batignolles streetcar stop on line 1.
  6. P+R Prairie de Mauves: boulevard de la Prairie de Mauves, 204 parking spaces, at Prairie de Mauves bus stop on line C3.
  7. P+R Porte de Vertou: rue de la Grand’Maison, 962 parking spaces, at bus stop Porte de Vertou on line 4.
  8. P+R Bourdonnières: boulevard de Vendée, 237 parking spaces, at Bourdonnières bus stop on line 4.
  9. P+R Neustrie: rue Christophe Colomb, 946 parking spaces, at streetcar stop Nuestrie on lines 2 and 3.
  10. P+R Frachon: boulevard Salvador Allende, 167 parking spaces, at streetcar stop Frachon on line 1.
  11. P+R Duguay Trouin: boulevard Charles Gautier, 180 parking spaces, at bus stop Duguay Trouin on line C3.
  12. P+R Marcel Paul: boulevard Marcel Paul, 144 parking spaces, at streetcar stop Marcel Paul on line 3.

Note that many bus lines in Nantes have their own dedicated road lanes and are therefore as fast as the tramway. This includes bus lines 4 and C3 mentioned above.

Which emissions sticker in Nantes?

All colors of the French emissions sticker

Currently all colors of the French emissions sticker are allowed in the low-emission zones of Nantes. You will only receive a fine if you do not have an emissions sticker. Usually vehicles from before 1997 are not eligible for an emissions sticker. Please see our page about the colors of the French emissions sticker for more information.

Other low-emission zones nearby

Near Nantes, you will find two other cities where an emissions sticker is required. Driving east, there is a low-emission zone in Angers 90 kilometers away. To the north, there is a low-emission zone in Rennes, 110 kilometers away from Nantes.

What to see and do in Nantes?


With 320,000 inhabitants and more than three times as many in the urban area, Nantes is one of the largest cities in France. The city has a long history, with it being the country’s largest port during the time of the French colonies. Sights include the cathedral from the late Middle Ages and the castle of the Dukes of Brittany from the same era. The Musée d’Arts is one of the best art museums outside of Paris.

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