The colors of the French emissions sticker

On this page, you will learn more about the different colors of the French emissions sticker. The vehicle types are always listed in parentheses and can be found under J on your vehicle registration certificate. The emission standards are listed under V. Are these not listed? Then look at the date of first admission under B on your certificate.

The green emissions sticker

Green emissions sticker

The green emissions sticker is for the most environmentally friendly vehicles. The vehicle must be equipped with an all-electric engine or an engine based on a fuel cell. It does not matter whether the vehicle is a moped, a passenger car, a bus or a truck. Please note that vehicles with hybrid engines do not qualify. These are eligible for the purple sticker instead.

The purple emissions sticker

Purple emissions sticker

A purple emissions sticker with the number 1 is for slightly less environmentally friendly vehicles. In most cases, these are vehicles from recent years equipped with an LPG system, a petrol or a hybrid engine.

The yellow emissions sticker

Yellow emissions sticker

Slightly older vehicles are eligible for the yellow emissions sticker with the number 2. These vehicles emit more harmful particulate matter, but are currently almost always still allowed to enter French low-emission zones.

The vehicle must be one of the following:

The orange emissions sticker

Orange emissions sticker

Even older vehicles receive an orange sticker with the number 3. These are relatively polluting vehicles. Although vehicles with an orange sticker are allowed to drive within most French low-emission zones, they will be refused more often in the future.

The vehicle must be one of the following:

The burgundy red sticker

Burgundy emissions sticker

The burgundy red sticker with the number 4 is only for older vehicles with a diesel engine and for motorcycles and mopeds. In some low-emission zones, vehicles with the burgundy red sticker are already not allowed to enter.

The vehicle must be one of the following:

The gray sticker

Gray emissions sticker

The gray emissions sticker with the number 5 is for the most polluting diesel vehicles. In the near future you will often not be allowed to enter French low-emission zones. In some low-emission zones, vehicles with a gray sticker are already banned by default.

The vehicle must be one of the following:

Vehicles not eligible for a sticker

Vehicles that do not fall into any of the categories above are not eligible for an emissions sticker. This then means that you are not allowed to enter French low-emission zones. These are the following vehicles:

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