Overview of French low-emission zones

On this page you will find a map of all French cities with a low-emission zone. Look below the map for a clickable list of cities, each linking to an information page and detailed map of the low-emission zone of that city.

Map with all French low-emission zones.

Map based on this map by Superbenjamin / License: CC BY-SA 4.0 / Reuse allowed with link to www.frenchemissionssticker.com

Not all of France is shown on the map, but this is intentional so that the already small letters are more readable. There are no low-emission zones in the part of France outside the map.

Even more low-emission zones?

You may have read on other websites about more cities where the emissions sticker is needed after 1 January 2025. It is true that the French government is making low-emission zones mandatory in urban areas with more than 150,000 inhabitants. Bureaucratic slowness and sometimes improved air quality have meant that in practice not all French cities have this sorted out yet. You can find these cities blow. Once these zones are finalized, the above list will be updated.

Information pages

In addition to articles about French cities with a low-emission zone, you will also find some pages with general information on this website.

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